Jennifer Garner and Violet: Playdate Pals

Spending the final-stretch of her pregnancy up and about, Jennifer Garner was spotted out with daughter Violet Affleck in Santa Monica.

Grabbing her young love from the car, the expecting “Juno” actress looked “very happy and radiant” as she and Violet ventured into a friend’s house for a play-date, an eyewitness tells.

As could be expected, Jen is making sure to give all of the attention she can to her 3-year-old before giving birth to her and hubby Ben Affleck’s second child - which is due in early January.

As previously reported by Gossip Girls, Garner and her daughter were side-by-side yesterday, as well, hitting up the local farmers market to stock up on fresh flowers and veggies.

 Jen  Jen  Jen  Jen

 Jen  Jen  Jen  Jen

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