Kim Kardashian’s New Year’s Resolution

Indulging her desire for retail therapy, Kim Kardashian was spotted on her way out of the Burberry boutique in Beverly Hills.

The “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” babe looked pleased with herself as she toted a shopping bag, sporting a denim vest overtop a long torso white top with black stretch pants, black shoes, and a black beret.

And with 2009 just around the corner, Kim recently revealed her own New Year’s resolution, and it turns out she’s not much different than anyone else.

She told press she wants, “to just tone up more and continue to get in shape. Last year I was trying to give up sweets but broke that resolution a little!”

 Kim  Kim  Kim  Kim

 Kim  Kim  Kim  Kim

Posted on 5:08 PM by Strikerson and filed under | 1 Comments »


Film Wishes said... @ December 31, 2008 at 11:05 AM

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