Eva Mendes' Craig co-star

Eva Mendes wants to make a movie with Daniel Craig.

'The Spirit' actress says she is a big fan of the James Bond star and dreams of working alongside him.

When asked about her future plans, Eva said: "Let's just see what the movie gods throw me - although if they could throw me Daniel that would be wonderful as I'd love to work with him.
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"I really want to do something serious with an actor of his calibre."

I really want to do something serious with an actor of his calibre

Eva also insisted she is not a model, despite fronting a racy advert for Calvin Klein's Obsession perfume.

The 34-year-old brunette beauty added: "That was a homage to an American institution. I certainly don't consider it modelling."

'The Spirit' which also stars Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Jaime King, is released worldwide from later this month.
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