Lindsay Agrees to Limited Depo Audience

Lindsay Lohan wants only a select few to be privy to her next taped appearance.

The 22-year-old starlet has agreed to allow her upcoming deposition for Samantha Ronson's ongoing lawsuit against her former attorney to be videotaped—so long as everyone agrees to a few conditions.

Lohan's lawyer asks that the video be used only in the current suit and never for future litigation, minus a judge's order; that only the parties to the suit, their attorneys and expert witnesses can view the tape; that no one be present for the deposition other than the plaintiff and defendant, the lawyers, a cameraperson and a court reporter; that Lohan's lawyers keep the original copy and others are only available to the other side's attorneys; that no more than four transcripts are produced; and, that when the case is over, all copies be returned to Lohan's camp and all transcripts destroyed.

Well, since that's all she wants...

If everyone agrees, Lohan's original motion to stop her deposition from being taped will be thrown out at a Nov. 6 hearing. Ronson had been asking for similar treatment.
Posted on 8:01 AM by Strikerson and filed under | 0 Comments »


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